The blessed mother asked us to keep our doors open
In 1999, the Blessed Virgin Mary asked that St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish “Open the Doors” and so, we did.
St. Stanislaus Kostka Church is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, providing all people a place of prayer, a quiet sanctuary from the noise of the world, to adore the Living God and hear His Voice.
In 2007, Francis Cardinal George designated St. Stanislaus Kostka, The Sanctuary of The Divine Mercy for Chicago. We have been faithful to the call to be a spiritual sanctuary for those seeking God and His Mercy.
The cost to keep our doors open 24 hours per day is considerable, and is in addition to the cost to maintain this beautiful and historic church in the heart of Chicago.
We are asking that you consider becoming a Patron of the Blessed Virgin Mary, promising God and the Blessed Virgin Mary, a weekly donation of $20 or more (over and above your usual Sunday contribution) for at least one year to support her call to “Open the Doors.”
As a Patron, you will:
Know that you have answered Our Lady’s call to keep the doors open.
Be remembered at Patron’s Masses on the 2nd Sunday of the month.
Become a Patron by doing the following:
Use the Donate button on this page.
You may make your donation weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually. In addition to online giving, you can use the special “Patron” envelopes available in the back of the church by the silver donations box.
Place your donations in the regular collection at any Mass, in the silver donation box in the rear of the church, or mail them into the parish office. You may make your donation anonymously or, if you will be requesting a tax letter, please be certain to provide your contact information on the envelope.
Will you accept Our Lady’s Invitation...and join the Patrons of The Blessed Virgin Mary?