We Offer Two Options
for the Reception of Holy Communion
After the Second Vatican Council, standing for reception of the Holy Eucharist became the norm and fits the directives of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Nonetheless, kneeling to receive Jesus in Holy Communion is in keeping with the enduring tradition of our ancestors. Today the option to kneel or stand rests with the individual. Likewise, the option to receive the Holy Eucharist on the tongue or on the hand rests with the individual.
Whichever manner we choose to receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, let us be conscious of this sacred and life sustaining encounter. Let us receive Him in grace and with gratitude, humbly and in humility.
We Keep Our Doors Open
All Day and All Night
We listen. In response to the call of the Blessed Virgin Mary we strive to create quiet refuge from the labor of life’s journey where the soul is opened to the transforming power of God’s ever abiding presence. The grace of the
Holy Eucharist will assist a covenant people on its return to childlike trust in Jesus, provide healing and strength, and inspire enthusiasm for the work of life. Therefore we wish to safeguard sacred silence in this sanctuary that God’s voice is heard in the deep recesses of the soul.